So, on forth, I am coming out of my hiding and beginning Lime Kiln. One day I will let you all know about the mysterious name (and some may even have a clue), but I like the sound of it and I wanted something that reflected the notions of my reemergence into this bloggy society. I hope some of my old friends find me because I have missed you terribly. I hope I find some new friends!
As far as a theme here: I cannot say without any sort of promise I will stay on track. I am way too eccentric, too eclectic to talk about one thing. I am a blizzard of emotions and ideas and interests and I would bore myself way too early on if I made this a, say, cooking or shopping or frugal or homesteading or whatever blog. My old blog had a basic I constantly suffered from infidelity to and I strayed often into posts reflective of my emotions at any particular time (not always sunny and bright I warn you in advance!) and they were often controversial and ugly.
That being said, I do plan to have a basic theme here. I am going to talk a lot about thrifting. I am a thrifter from my teenage years on (a lot of years I might add) and I am a "collector" of weirdness. I want to share these finds. I am not a decorator by any means (I completely fail at any theme in that area as well), but I love vintage-y things. I often find myself with accidental collections! I may stray from this as I blog onward, but for now this is my chance at re-entry.
I just found you! Your name caught my eye on Selena's (Apron Thrift Girl's) Thrift Share Monday. I thought to myself I know a Gina that moved to Kentucky. I wonder......
I'm in the midst of settling myself into a new blog. I feel like I've outgrown my other one and continuing to post there is starting to feel redundant.
I'm so glad to reconnect with you. :)
yeah! i'm so glad you're back. i have missed you terribly!! i kept checking the old blog to see if you'd started writing again with no luck. but the last few weeks, i've had this niggling feeling that there was another blog out there somewhere with your name on it. :D
welcome back!!! <3 <3
I am all ears about thrifting and any info you can share about vintage stoneware would be much appreciated. I'm going to start my own mis-matched collection because I think any kind of dishes that can survive on the shelves of a thrift store ought to be able to last for a while in my home. We'll see. :-)
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