Up first on my little thrifty show 'n' tell is this (horribly photographed) mid-century child's school chair. I found two of them at a yard sale for a couple of bucks each. I love them and the youngest boy has already placed them around his train table. It is hard to tell here, but they are pink with white atomic print and turquiose metal parts.

Next, the cute little church on the left was snagged for 50c at the same yard sale mentioned above. It lights up blue and is in perfect shape. The next day (Saturday) the boys and I had business in the closest big city. Driving by where the old Salvation Army used to be located (ah, a favorite past haunt of mine when I lived there), I saw boxes and scores of people in the parking lot. After taking care of the rental, I drove back and a guy with a sign screamed, "Only a dollar a bag!" Apparently, the SA was cleaning up the old store (they recently moved to a busier location). We had to stop. I had exactly $4 and only a 1/2 hour to spare (sadly), so we got busy. We managed to find lots of vintage items, mostly Xmas things, in our wee time and filled three bags. I actually only made it about a 1/3 of the way through the boxes and regret not going to get more money and just being late to our next appointment (isn't that what I have a cell phone for???) Oh, well...I also feel I am a bit of a hoarder in the making, so best to leave the rest. Anyway, long story, but the church with the sweet, red roof-a twin to the blue-light one jumped quietly into our bag. Its front steps were victim of an earthquake at some point (or sunlight), but I think we can repair her. I love them and think it is funny I am so drawn to the equivalent of dollar store items which were probably dime store items in the 1930's-50's.

I heart cookbooks that have little handwritten recipes and notes inside them.

Joy of Cooking, a classic CB and I snagged it at the dollar-a-bag SA sale (along with the ledger below it). Shortly after I took this photo I threw the nasty jacket away. I really like books to be naked (I know they say it devalues them), but this one is a wonderful aqua and in perfect shape under its ratty jacket. I put it with the two other copies I own. Maybe I am a hoarder.

Pocket book, pocket book...where did I put my pocket book? Oh, yea, it's on the back of the sofa! Found the red one in Alabama and the RWB one came from that dollar-a-bag holla sale.

I had to show you this recent acquisition. I actually purchased it from an antique dealer in Fairmont, IN (hometown of the infamous James Dean) for a great price. It came off the nursery wall of a Baptist church. I love it and it goes with the growing collection of religious ephemera*; However, I especially love the swallows (I so want a swallow tattoo-maybe for my birthday this week, tee hee).
So, imagine my HUGE SMILE when I discovered this little beauty at the $1/bag sale. I have always wanted one of these plastic swallows! I saw one on a blog not too long ago (I think an AU one from Flea Market Sundays) and I have been looking and looking ever since. I tried to hand it above the Cradle Roll print, but it won't lie right on the nail. I need to get velcro and try again. I may paint it too, but still not certain.

OK, long post today and I barely shared the $1/bag stuff. Oh, so much more yet to share...
Oh, and I am joining the fun at Her Library Adventures'
Flea Market Finds. Go look at all the pretties!
Love the chair!!
Love the pink chairs!!! so cute and so much fun!
The Joyful Thrifter
Great finds! I also think the best part of buying cookbooks are the notes, clippings and pencilled-in comments left by the original owner!
Great finds! The cradle roll is wonderful. I love cookbooks with notes in them! Looking forward to your future posts of the other treasures you found.
Great Finds! I love the little Church Buildings. I like my books naked too! They are so much more visually appealing without the jackets and most of the time the jackets are damaged anyway.
I love the little pink chair Gina and those hand-bags and the Cradle Roll (of course!)
Happy Birthday for whenever it is, I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful and happy year ahead x
Thank you, All, for your lovely comments! I appreciate each and every one!!
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