Oh, do I have a good one for WTF?! Tuesdays this week! Meet Weepy the Wee Wee (ah, the alliteration of it all!) I love the impish boy's smile as his sweet pee pee toy sprays all over you in line at the Krogers. Keep him occupied while you pay your debts at the bank. Thank the makers of Weepy for steppin' up the family fun on holidays.
I left the GW price sticker on it because I know you are going to ask why I didn't snatch Weepy right off the shelf. Yes, that would be $5 and some change. I call this the Expensive GW in Louisville (the one on E. Shelbyville for you locals) and I only stop in now and then to drool over great things for horrible prices.
I have made it a new challenge to look for the kooky items while thrifting for this fabulous linky party at Sir Thrift A Lot. It keeps the hoarding to a minimum.
our gw is quite expensive too For a non profit agency I say they are doing quite well Great WTF find
Thanks for taking part this week Gina!!
I have a Weepy! I think he's an older version than this. He's still packed in a box somewhere, unpacked from the move.
My mother would find these hilarious, so whenever I see one I think of her in her good days.
I wanted one as a kid! LOL
Beckyp: I remember the good old days when GW had a monthly bag sale. I used to bring home tons of vintage dresses! Now, the prices are high and the items not even that great of quality and I rarely find vintage clothing (picked over I guess). I was in a GW in IN a few months ago and overheard a clerk telling a customer about something she saw come in (vintage) and she told the lady the item was packed up and sent to the online warehouse for GW "...because we wouldn't know it's worth here."
Sir Thrift A Lot: I am loving WTF Tuesdays! I would have bought wee wee but so expensive!
Vonlipi: Loved the hideous lamp shades! Hilarious that your mother loved the pee toy! :)
oh man! we went to a hibatchi grill for my husband's grandmother's 80th birthday and the cooks kept spraying us with those things! it was SO WEIRD. haha, thanks for bringing back that hilarious memory.
Ha ha ha, I don't now what I would think about being sprayed by a pee toy at dinner time!!! I once had one of those chiefs toss a shrimp down my shirt (and then coyly say, 'Oooops' Big laughs from my COWORKERS!!!
I know! Goodwill is getting pricey!
Can't wait to see what you've got this week. I've got this bizarre cat statue. Can't wait to show it!
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