I'll admit a lot of this need to improve is based on age. I have had a hard time accepting that I am trucking very quickly into Middle Age Years. Take note, Youngin's, it goes fast! Next month I will be 42.5 years old. Wow, I really don't think I have ever said that here. I still feel much younger, but then maybe we always pretty much are the same with just added experience, hormones and responsibilities. I also have always been told I look younger (the guess is usually about 6 years minus the real number), but that seems to have tapered off in the past year or so. I think I caught up with my age (but this may be mind/matter issue. Who knows?!)
Anyway, just in the week I've been moving and eating less crap, I have notice I am not sitting around fretting about my forties as much. Or my job. Or my shitty marriage. Or all the crap I have to do. Really, what a stupid thing to waste time on! I have started to focus more on doing things like urban gardening, rehabbing the old 1900 house, purging, reading...all these things that make me happy! This is a bonus of physical health. I have always had an active, curious mind, but when I feel bad, I think bad. By being proactive on my health, I can feel my mind is starting to emerge from the fog of bad diet, stress, and inactivity. I have a long path to hike, but I am on it and this is important.
I have a thrifting post to write up sometime this weekend. I found few, but wonderful treasures this past week. The highlight was a stop at the Indianapolis Goodwill Outlet (I have a love/annoyance relationship with GW Outlets). To tease, I found a vintage camera, an old window (I'm building a repurposed greenhouse from old windows), and some great craft items! Thrift Lovers: Stay tuned!
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