I have only spent a handful of Saturdays down in Louisville because of my husband's work schedule (he works Friday and Saturdays). He has taken a couple of vacation days and I came down in the beginning to find housing. Because my "karma" seems off these days, he sweetly gave me a weekend in Louisville this weekend (family is coming down when he gets off work tonight).
So, what did I do with my freedom? Yard sale Louisville style, of course!
Sadly, yard saling is awful. Part of it may have been that I waited until Saturday and all the good stuff was gone, but it was mostly the people having the sales. Back home it seems people have yard sales to get rid of clutter; Louisville is all about American Pickers (I heard twice in one day how something was picked to be sold for more money...um, ok).
The best deal was an Estate Sale being ran by the family. I bought a couple of celluloid santas, a bunch of old craft items, a couple of dictionaries, more lotus rice bowls, old clothespins, and box of canning jars for $10. I also went to an estate sale in the old part of Louisville (Highlands area) and, even though I only found one item I wanted, got to walk through a gorgeous Victorian house.
I went to one last sale (and this before 9:30 am) and they had a bunch of 1960-70 furniture for sale. It all
smelled reeked of cigarette odor. I saw a newer, mass-produced bathroom cabinet that someone had painted (poorly) white. It was small enough to fit out tiny second bathroom back home. Nothing had prices (BIG pet peeve of mine; I truly hate bargaining prices). Meanwhile, an older gentleman with no teeth and days old stubble began following me around.. Every time I turned he was there. Finally, he asks me if I know Tina someoneorother. I said, "No..." (This after leaning into him so I could hear what he was saying. I think I saw him leering at my boobs). He says, "You favor her." Lord, I thought, I hope she has teeth!
I finally asked a lady (also with no teeth) how much for the cabinet and she says she has to ask. When she left, the old guy says, "She wants $5." I thought, "High." I said, "What about the stool and little table?" He says, "Those are $5 each...I'll take $15 for all three."
The little table was older, but poorly painted and wiggly. I was thinking $2. The old workshop stool was probably a bargain at $5, but this guy was creeping me out. I asked if he would take $10 for all three (I thought a much higher price than they were worth in yard sale terms). He replies, "Them's antiques!"
A few moments later, a lady with blond hair comes around and says gruffly, "I want $8 for that cabinet, Sweetie."
I said, "Oh, I'll have to get more money..." and RAN! The stuff smelled horribly and I would have to repaint the cabinet and the table (the stool had a million different paint drips on it, but I kind of liked how it looked). Ei ei ei...everyone's a picker!
I went home instead and later hit a thrift store. They prices may be a bit higher at the TS, but I don't have to feel uncomfortable. I have to say, and it is hard to judge from just one experience, Indiana is better in the yard sale arena. Maybe American Picker's hasn't hit the Indiana folks yet-the state has always been at least 5 years behind the rest of the country.
I am going to borrow something else from Kylie at
Lucy Violet Vintage. If you haven't seen her wonderful blog, she ends her posts with a photo of her lovely tea towel collection. Recently, she has added a day in the life of Australia from a book she thrifted and I look forward to seeing the depiction of life down under in the '60's.
I found the book
Kentucky Quilts 1800-1900 today at a sale and I thought I would share some of the artwork. My grandmothers, aunts, and beyond to the 1600-1700's (before they were inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands and England) were Appalachian quilt artists. My mom
hoards has several quilts dating back to the late 1800's through 1970's. I am fascinated by quilts and hope to someday find the time to make one in the mountain tradition.