Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Here's to 2013: A {New} Year of Hope and Enlightenment!

I'm fairly certain that, after Halloween, New Year's Day is my favorite holiday of the year. I love the the feeling of hope it seems to deliver and I always feel like I've been granted a fresh slate to begin new adventures, right wrongs, and develop new skills. Of course, all of that is really kind of silly considering any of these things can be done at any moment in one's life, but there's just something about the challenge of a brand new calendar.

One of my own personal goals is to take at least one photograph a day. I almost didn't make it today. The sky was gloomy and I started in on my usual mantra of avoidance, but I made myself follow through with the goal, (albeit,not the best shot-hopefully I can only improve, right?). The cameras, circa 1965 and 1970, were found at the thrift store in my neighborhood yesterday. The books were thrifted or bought mostly last year, but just happen to be all 2013 goal-related topics. I started in reading the book on photography and I will start the others soon. It's not the best photograph by any means, but it's a check mark for the goal list. Already, I think I'm feeling pretty lucky that 2013 may be a good year!


Shannon said...

Perfect 1st picture of a year of pictures!

Gina said...

Thanks, Shannon!