I was just curious? Do any of you check out my blogroll? See, I have some really fabulous blogs listed over there (and I am constantly adding new ones I stumble upon). You should check them out. In fact, note to self, I have some to add. Ah, but I digress.
I want to bring your attention to one in particular. See, the wonderful blog is celebrating a Blogoversay. Coincidentally, I also just had my one year blogoversary for Lime Kiln and her blog was one of the first one I added to the Roll: Hey, What's for Dinner, Mom. Laura not only thrifts, she cooks, she homesteads, she raises boys, she writes and...she does all of this in Alaska! The snowy, cold part of the United States in case you are lost on some tropical warm island somewhere and forgot. (I bet she laughs and laughs when we lower 48 start moaning about cold and snow in January-I know I would!!)
Laura also has some great linky projects: The Penny Worthy Project & Just Another Meatless Monday (to name a couple of my favorites). I have saved so many of her recipes to try.
Now, I know you do not need any more incentive to check out her blog, Blogroll it, social media it, follow it, etc., but there is more... Laura is giving away a KitchenAid Mixer to honor her blog's birthday!! (And, I am not ashamed to say, I totally want the teal colored KitchenAid!)
(And, she is providing it all alone-it is not a paid endorsement!)
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