I also stopped today at one I have been wanting to visit here in Louisville. They have limited hours and I rarely am home in time to go. I had business in the area and decided to stop with only 1
I think the rock in box is Pyrite (Fool's gold!) Anyway, they meant enough to someone that they stashed them away inside a box of straight pins inside a round tin.
I also found the little tea bag flower and will use it. It was 25c. I will definitely be returning to this thrift when I have more time!
In other challenge news, I am way behind on the 30 X 30 remix challenge, but I am going to condense it for time (Gah! How do you all do it??) I cannot believe it is the 8th of February already. I am beginning to believe that theory that the Earth is rotating faster (and, thus, time is speeding up!) I will eventually post pictures and a list of clothing items here. Well, I will that is if I get over my camera shyness!
Check other thrifty goodness at Apron Thrift Girl and Her Library Adventures!
Oh, I recently got one of those keepsake tins, too. Mine showed an SF scene. I think the scene on your is NY. Fun!
funny, I didn't even notice they depict a specific city! I bet the SF one is pretty neat.
The bill holder is adorable. Nothing like a cheerful bill holder with a beautiful bird to great you with something as depressing as a bunch of bills!
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