The best part of the drive was listening to a pet talk show out of Windsor, ON. The host was reading bits and pieces from a book about the Koehler Method of Dog Training. I'd add a link, but no point in connecting you with it (read on). The radio host said, with a voice of amazement after reading excerpts, this book was the "authority" on dog handling/training just 20 years ago. Let me tell you, the book was nothing but a training manual for animal abuse. I about bawled my eyes out thinking of all the poor animals subjected to this Ass and his methods. He claimed that anyone afraid of using his methods were "spineless". If you find a book out thrifting, check it out if you are into horror reading. If I ever subscribed to the thought a book should be destroyed, it would definitely be this guide to pain and torture.

I took a driving break on my way to Detroit (to regroup as driving in snow and ice is just plain exhausting). I stopped at a Goodwill and did a five minute walk through the store. I found these giant dinosaurs to add to Littlest's collection of monsters. They had many, many more, but this seemed like a good selection of prehistoric beasts. I also bought a box of screwdrivers and other tools for $3. I haven't had time to look them over, but I can always use tools. All in all I spent $6 (as cheap as fast food!)
I am sharing this with the other thrifters out there both at Apron Thrift Girl and the great blog Her Library Adventures who is also sponsoring a giveaway for one of her handmade and very cute I heart Thrifting (or Flea markets) brooches!! She is in Australia, but her giveaway is open worldwide. I have been on a roll for giveaway of late so maybe, maybe another win for me (or you!!) :)
Speaking of rolls, I also received a blogging award!! The wonderful cook (check out her orange cranberry cake and the Indian inspired Sheppard's pie) Laura at Hey What's for Dinner, Mom passed to me
The rules are I need to share 7 random things about myself and then pass it along to 7 others.
OK, so here it goes...
1. I also have eyes that change colors; usually green, but often blue, sometimes golden and, if truth be told, sometimes red! ;)
2. I have had complete strangers tell me I look like Angelina Jolie (which I take as a compliment, but do not believe); I think it is my long dark Bettie Page haircut.
3. I am an entomologist (Yes, I studied bugs!)
4. In 5 months I have been in 15 major cities in 10 different states. It is exhausting.
5. I have multiple tattoos and am going to be adding a new one soon to my upper back and shoulders (vintage swallows with heart and ribbons with the names of my sons and beloved late dog, in case you were wondering).
6. I have lived in five states (IN, KY, CA, MD, AZ).
7. I am an outgoing Introvert!
I am passing this along to any of my 7 readers (LOL!!!) I'd love to know 7 random things about you too!
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