Wow! Every last egg is gorgeous and creatively designed by the artist; I love them all! I took a group photo, but it is hard to see every one. Look here for better individual photographs of each egg with the creator's link. Everyone really put a lot of heart and soul into their artwork!
Unfortunately, I did not photograph mine, so I borrowed Shara's picture of my contribution. I forgot before I boxed it up and shipped it. I was a bit late on the deadline (head down) due to work travel (ah, what else is new???), so I rushed to pack them up. Originally, I wanted to create a bigger nest and source egg shaped earrings from the thrifts, but when I saw the broken pearl necklace one day, I knew the pearls would be my 'eggs'. I love miniatures. I had planned to glam up the nests with ribbons and rick rack and other vintage bits, but when I finished each little paper mache nest, I knew simple was best. The only material I used (besides the pearls) was pages from an old Louisville phone book and twigs from my farm. I was happy with the simplicity and I hope others were not disappointed by the plainness! :)
The other thing I forgot is to make one for myself! I still have lots of pearls, so I hope to make more. I think they would be really cute as gift embellishments! I didn't make a tutorial for my nests, but I am a 'beginning' craftster and these are really easy to make. Basically, you just chose a thinner paper (newspaper like), ball it up to start, then use a paper mache paste (I used Modge Podge) and start adding twisted strips around in a nest-like fashion. You can mold the edges to be more tucked in while it is wet. They dry fairly quick! You could even weave in ribbons or thread as you go or add glitter. Very easy, very quick to make!
ahh, your little nest is really cute! What a fun swap. I love swaps!
Your nest is adorable! I always have old broken jewelry looking for new use. This year I found some other things to make a real vignette for Easter.
I love your nest! I was thinking it would be a fun funky pin for a coat but I'd be worried it would get damaged. I have mine sitting on a little shelf in my craft room. :)
Thanks for your kind comments!!
I actually thought about making them into brooches and then ran out of time!
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